FastScan - Hidden (Rootkit) Windows Service Alert
FastScan is the component of Trojan Remover which runs each time you start your computer. It carries out the same scanning functions as are carried out when you run a normal Scan from within Trojan Remover itself.
If FastScan detects that a Windows Service is hidden using Rootkit technology it will display an alert screen. Whilst not all Windows Services hidden in this way need necessarily be malicious, the fact that it is hidden from normal scrutiny is suspicious.
You should run a scan with Trojan Remover's main program when the FastScan has been completed. This will allow you to take action on the file. If the file is not alerted on by Trojan Remover's main scan, then the next time the alert screen appears during a FastScan you can, if you choose, select the option to exclude the file from future scans by clicking on the Exclude button.
Clicking on the Continue button will continue the scan.
If "Launch main program when scan completed" is checked (the default), then the main Trojan Remover program will be started automatically when the FastScan is completed (or canceled). This is useful if the alert advises you to run the main program to deal with a threat.