Scan Options can be checked and modified by selecting Settings from the main menu. When an option is enabled it has a green tick next to it. Where an option is disabled it has a red cross next to it. Clicking on the option either enables or disables it.
Alert Level
You can choose between two different Alert levels:
Show alerts on confirmed Malware only [default]
An alert screen will be displayed if any scanned file is detected as malicious. This is the default (and recommended) alert level.
Show alerts on Malware & Files Not Found
An alert screen will be displayed if any scanned file is detected as malicious. An alert screen will also be shown if a loading reference is scanned that attempts to load a file that cannot be located. This option is useful if you wish to remove an orphan registry entry left behind after a malware file has been removed.
Right-click menu scanning
With Right-click menu scanning enabled, in Windows Explorer you can right-click on a file/directory and select "Scan With Trojan Remover" to carry out an immediate scan of that file/directory. If you disable this option you will no longer have the "Scan with Trojan Remover" option available, until you re-enable the option.
Verified Files List
Trojan Remover maintains a database of pre-verified files. During a normal scan (but not a file/directory scan) this database is checked to determine whether a file should be thoroughly scanned or not. Scan speed is improved when this option is enabled (it is enabled by default), and the logfile produced is also smaller and thus easier to read.
Integrity Checking
When either the main Trojan Remover program, the FastScan, or the Updater program are started, Trojan Remover carries out an internal check of all its core program files. This is a very important step in ensuring that the files have not been tampered with or virally infected. It is recommended to leave this option enabled.
Scan Running Processes
During a normal scan for active Malware Trojan Remover scans all Running Processes. This part of the scan can take some time. Disabling this part of the scan will decrease the time taken to complete the scan, without a major impact on the program's ability to detect malware (as all loading points are still checked). If you do disable this option it is recommended that you periodically re-enable it and run a new scan.
Heuristic rootkit detection warnings
When a scan for active Malware is carried out Trojan Remover performs heuristic tests for the presence of certain types of (malicious) rootkits. These tests can be disabled by selecting this option. You would normally only do this if previous scans have raised alerts on files/entries that you are certain are not part of a malicious rootkit.
FastScan Settings
Use these settings to modify how the At Logon and Daily FastScan runs.
Forget current window position
When you re-position Trojan Remover's main window, the program remembers this window position in future runs. Select this option to have the program 'forget' the current window position. The main window will be immediately returned to the center of the screen. If running on a multi-monitor system, the main window will be placed in the centre of the primary monitor.