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Renewing your Registration

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Renewing your Registration

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Renewing your Registration

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Information on how to renew your annual subscription for Trojan Remover is here:


When you have your new Username and Licence Key start the main Trojan Remover program (START | All Programs/Apps | Trojan Remover | Trojan Remover). If the expiry warning screen appears, click on the Enter Licence Key button. If you do not see an expiry warning screen, select Renew | Enter New Licence Information from the main menu. A licence entry screen will appear. Enter your information in the spaces provided and click OK. You should see a message that the registration has been successfully completed.


If your registration information is not accepted, check that:


1) You are using the latest version of Trojan Remover. If you need to update, download and install the latest full evaluation program available from


2) You enter both the Username and the Licence Key exactly as they are shown.


If you are installing Trojan Remover on a new system you will need to contact us for a new licence key. We will provide a new full key with an expiry date matching your current renewal date. When contacting us please ensure you include your full name and postal address, as used when registering the program, so that we can find your information. If you are able to provide your existing registration information (Username and Key) that will speed up the process. Alternatively please provide your FastSpring Order Number.