Verified Files List
Trojan Remover maintains a database of pre-verified files. During a normal scan (but not a file/directory scan) this database is checked to determine whether a file should be thoroughly scanned or not. Scan speed is improved when this option is enabled (it is enabled by default), and the logfile produced is also smaller and thus easier to read. It is recommended to leave this option enabled.
If the Verified Files List is disabled files which have already been verified by Trojan Remover are still scanned and listed in the logfile. The scan speed is slower with the Verified Files List disabled.
To disable using the Verified Files list start Trojan Remover and select Settings | Scan Settings. Click on Use Verified Files List to turn this option off - the green tick will turn into a red cross. To turn the option back on again click on Use Verified Files List to turn the red cross back into a green tick, to show that the option has been enabled.